John D. French


John D. French, J. French, 2000 .

John D. French, Kristin A. Wintersteen, 2009, International Labor and Working-Class History.

John D. French, J. French, 2008, Latin American Politics and Society.

John D. French, M. Mörner, Julia Fawaz de Viñuela, 1982, Latin American Research Review.

John D. French, A. Fortes, 2012, International Labor and Working-Class History.

John D. French, J. French, 2000, International Review of Social History.

John D. French, J. French, 2010 .

John D. French, A. Fortes, 1998 .

John D. French, Mary Lynn Pedersen Cluff, 1997, The Gendered Worlds of Latin American Women Workers.