M. L. Lopez Caceres


Alexander C. Brandt, Qiqin Zhang, M. L. Lopez Caceres, 2020, Hydrological Processes.

Yoshihiro Nobori, Juan Pedro Ferrio, Mika Hayashi, 2017, Isotopes in environmental and health studies.

Y. Nobori, C. Mizota, T. Yamanaka, 2011, Isotopes in environmental and health studies.

F. Seidel, T. Yamanaka, Lei Fujiyoshi, 2019, Journal of Forestry Research.

Y. Nobori, J. Boy, M. L. Lopez Caceres, 2018, Isotopes in environmental and health studies.

Lei Fujiyoshi, A. Sugimoto, M. Tsujimura, 2017, Isotopes in environmental and health studies.