Astrid Vandendaele


Ludovic De Cuypere, Ellen Van Praet, Astrid Vandendaele, 2015 .

Geert Jacobs, Felicitas Macgilchrist, J. Declercq, 2021, Participation, Engagement and Collaboration in Newsmaking.

Tom Van Hout, Astrid Vandendaele, Bram Vertommen, 2014 .

Catherine Bouko, Astrid Vandendaele, Olivier Standaert, 2020, Journalism Practice.

Geert Jacobs, Felicitas Macgilchrist, J. Declercq, 2021, Participation, Engagement and Collaboration in Newsmaking.

Geert Jacobs, Astrid Vandendaele, 2014 .

Geert Jacobs, J. Declercq, Astrid Vandendaele, 2021, Participation, Engagement and Collaboration in Newsmaking.