I. Bashayreh


A. Saifan, Intima Alrimawi, I. Bashayreh, 2016 .

Ahmad H Rayan, A. Saifan, I. Bashayreh, 2020, Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.

A. Saifan, I. Bashayreh, S. Al-Ghabeesh, 2019, Journal of Men's Health.

K. Alnuaimi, A. Saifan, I. Bashayreh, 2018, Journal of Religion and Health.

M. ALBashtawy, A. Batiha, R. Masa'deh, 2017, International quarterly of community health education.

A. Batiha, A. Saifan, Intima Alrimawi, 2019, Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery.

A. Saifan, Intima Alrimawi, I. Bashayreh, 2017, The Lancet.