P. Vanhaesebrouck


A. Verstraete, A. Zecic, M. Craen, 2005, European Journal of Pediatrics.

L. Goossens, G. van Maele, B. Wuyts, 2011, Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry.

P. Govaert, P. Schelstraete, D. Voet, 1996, American journal of perinatology.

M. Thiéry, P. Vanhaesebrouck, Y. Van Trappen, 1987, Archives of disease in childhood.

P. Govaert, J. Leroy, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1992, European Journal of Pediatrics.

P. Govaert, L. Calliauw, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2005, Acta Neurochirurgica.

E. Achten, P. Govaert, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2005, Pediatric Radiology.

P. Govaert, J. Leroy, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2005, Pediatric Radiology.

J. Leroy, K. Smets, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1988, Helvetica paediatrica acta.

M. Zeviani, S. Seneca, W. Lissens, 2009, Pediatric Research.

V. Schelfhout, C. Potter, K. Smets, 1999, European Journal of Pediatrics.

C. Verhofstede, J. Plum, A. Nahmias, 1990, The Lancet.

P. Vanhaesebrouck, C. Praeter, K. Vanneste, 2008, European Journal of Pediatrics.

H. Roeyers, P. Warreyn, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2016, Child psychiatry and human development.

P. Govaert, J. Leroy, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1989, Pediatrics.

H. Nelis, M. Dhont, R. Peleman, 2003, Journal of microbiological methods.

M. Praet, W. Proesmans, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1985, Nephron.

G. Mortier, D. Wieczorek, R. Kooy, 2016, European Journal of Human Genetics.

P. Govaert, F. Baets, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1988, The Lancet.

L. Goossens, G. Mortier, A. Zecic, 2006, European Journal of Pediatrics.

K. Dhaene, P. Schelstraete, K. Smets, 2004, European Journal of Pediatrics.

P. Govaert, J. Leroy, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1992, Pediatrics.

M. Cools, J. De Schepper, A. Raes, 2014, International journal of endocrinology and metabolism.

M. Thiéry, R. Derom, P. Defoort, 1990, Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Perinatologie.

P. Govaert, M. Afschrift, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1989, European Journal of Pediatrics.

P. Govaert, F. Derom, A. Verpaele, 1991, Tijdschrift voor kindergeneeskunde.

F. Speleman, P. Vanhaesebrouck, A. van den Enden, 1994, American journal of medical genetics.

A. De Paepe, P. Coucke, O. Vanakker, 2011, The Journal of pediatrics.

M. Thiéry, R. Van den Broecke, R. Derom, 1987, Journal of perinatal medicine.

D. Bullens, K. Smets, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2000, Clinical pediatrics.

C. Van den Broeck, P. Calders, A. Oostra, 2008, Developmental medicine and child neurology.

M. Thiéry, A. Poffyn, E. Van de Velde, 1990, Acta paediatrica Scandinavica.

P. Calders, A. Oostra, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2008, European Journal of Pediatrics.

P. Govaert, P. Vanhaesebrouck, C. Praeter, 1992, Archives of disease in childhood.

K. Smets, T. Barlow, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2006, European Journal of Pediatrics.

M. Thiéry, P. Defoort, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1989, British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.

L. Wyns, R. Loris, J. Messens, 2004, Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography.

Lode Wyns, Joris Messens, Remy Loris, 2004, Journal of molecular biology.

H. Roeyers, P. Warreyn, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2016, Child psychiatry and human development.

J. Leroy, R. Van Coster, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1998, Pediatric neurology.

D. Matthys, P. Govaert, A. Oostra, 1991, Developmental medicine and child neurology.

J. Langhendries, P. Vanhaesebrouck, D. Lecoutere, 1998, Pediatric Research.

P. Govaert, J. Leroy, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 1991, European Journal of Pediatrics.

S. Vansteelandt, A. Oostra, I. Franki, 2010, Early human development.

H. Van Rostenberghe, E. Achten, P. Govaert, 1992, American Journal of Perinatology.

K. Allegaert, H. Devlieger, P. Vanhaesebrouck, 2004, British Journal of Ophthalmology.

H. Roeyers, E. Ortibus, S. Laroche, 2007, Obstetrics and gynecology.