N. Paweletz


S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, I. Ghosh, 1978, Experimental cell research.

Sibdas Ghosh, S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1996, Cell biology international.

Sibdas Ghosh, S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1994, Cell biology international.

N. Paweletz, 1984, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology.

Neidhard Paweletz, N. Paweletz, 2001, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

N. Paweletz, J. Volz, S. Köster, 1999, Surgical Endoscopy.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, D. Schroeter, 1998, Experimental cell research.

G. Schatten, H. Biessmann, M. Walter, 1987, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, D. Schroeter, 1992, Journal of cell science.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1992, Experimental cell research.

B. Vig, K. Sternes, N. Paweletz, 1989, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

N. Paweletz, 2001, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

N. Paweletz, 2001, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

K. Goerttler, D. Komitowski, N. Paweletz, 2004, Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung und Klinische Onkologie.

R. Armas-Portela, H. Zimmermann, S. Ghosh, 1988, Cell motility and the cytoskeleton.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, I. Ghosh, 1978, Chromosoma.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1987, Experimental cell research.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, S. K. Chaudhuri, 1997, Indian journal of experimental biology.

H. Fuge, N. Paweletz, 1977 .

N Paweletz, M Knierim, N. Paweletz, 1989, Critical reviews in oncology/hematology.

N. Paweletz, 2002, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

Sibdas Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1993 .

M. Fehst, N. Paweletz, 1984, Cell biology international reports.

S. Biedert, K. Doenges, N. Paweletz, 1976, Biochemistry.

R. Süss, N. Paweletz, E. Friedrich, 1983, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology.

K. Knyrim, N. Paweletz, 1977, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology.

N. Paweletz, W. Liebrich, 1976, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology.

K. Knyrim, N. Paweletz, 1978, Virchows Archiv B Cell Pathology.

N. Paweletz, R. Lettré, W. Siebs, 1966, National Cancer Institute monograph.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1990, Cell biology international reports.

H. Sinn, R. Süss, N. Paweletz, 1978, Virchows Archiv B Cell Pathology.

Sibdas Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 2004, Chromosoma.

E. Spiess, H. Werling, N. Paweletz, 1986, Cell biology international reports.

N. Paweletz, 1981, Cell biology international reports.

M. Fehst, N. Paweletz, 1984, Cell biology international reports.

N. Paweletz, E. Finze, Neidhard Paweletz, 1981, Journal of ultrastructure research.

N. Paweletz, E. Moll, 1980, European journal of cell biology.

N. Paweletz, J. Volz, S. Köster, 1999, Zentralblatt fur Gynakologie.

S. Paku, N. Paweletz, 1991, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

C. Petzelt, H. Ponstingl, N. Paweletz, 1977, Proceedings in Life Sciences.

F. Schlote, N. Paweletz, 1964, Zeitschrift fur Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie.

D. Mazia, N. Paweletz, E. Finze, 1984, Experimental cell research.

B. Vig, S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1989, Progress in clinical and biological research.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1992, Cell biology international reports.

S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1987, Cell biology international reports.

C. Wójcik, N. Paweletz, E. Finze, 1996, Chromosome Research.

R. Kallenbach, N. Paweletz, E. Finze, 1983, Cell calcium.

B. Vig, N. Paweletz, D. Schroeter, 1990, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

E. Spiess, R. Kriehuber, N. Paweletz, 1989, Anticancer research.

C. Wójcik, N. Paweletz, D. Schroeter, 1995, European journal of cell biology.

R. Eckhardt, N. Paweletz, J. Lamprecht, 1992, European journal of cell biology.

N. Paweletz, J. Lamprecht, D. Schroeter, 1990, European journal of cell biology.

N. Paweletz, E. Finze, D. Schroeter, 1994, Chromosome Research.

M. Arand, N. Paweletz, E. Finze, 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Jakóbisiak, C. Wójcik, N. Paweletz, 1999, Cell biology international.

R. Armas-Portela, S. Ghosh, N. Paweletz, 1988, Cell biology international reports.

E. Spiess, S. Paku, N. Paweletz, 1986, Anticancer research.

N. Paweletz, J. Lamprecht, D. Schroeter, 1989, European journal of cell biology.

C. Granzow, N. Paweletz, 2004, Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie.

N. Paweletz, H. Boxberger, 1994, Critical reviews in oncogenesis.

N. Paweletz, E. Finze, M. Knierim, 1986, Anticancer research.