A. Becker


James A. Smith, I. Suthers, A. Becker, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts.

I. Suthers, D. Harasti, Roshni C. Subramaniam, 2022, Marine Biology.

A. Whitfield, A. Becker, 2014, Marine pollution bulletin.

N. Moltschaniwskyj, B. Fry, A. Becker, 2017, The Science of the total environment.

A. Whitfield, P. Cowley, M. Taylor, 2016, Journal of fish biology.

James A. Smith, J. Everett, I. Suthers, 2021, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

A. Whitfield, T. F. Næsje, P. Cowley, 2013, Marine pollution bulletin.