V. Yumuk


V. Yumuk, 2005, Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

C. Tsigos, Y. Schutz, B. Zahorska-Markiewicz, 2011, Obesity Facts.

M. Fried, V. Yumuk, 2013, Obesity Facts.

H. Dinc, B. Kocazeybek, Ahmet Numan Demir, 2022, Obesity Surgery.

Z. Oşar, T. Damci, H. İlkova, 2005, Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

J. Oppert, G. Frühbeck, J. Halford, 2015 .

J. Oppert, G. Frühbeck, J. Halford, 2015, Obesity Facts.

J. Oppert, G. Frühbeck, H. Toplak, 2014, Obesity Facts.

G. Frühbeck, J. Halford, G. Goossens, 2020, Obesity Facts.

F. Polizzi, G. Andican, S. Civelek, 2012, Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes : official journal, German Society of Endocrinology [and] German Diabetes Association.

H. Dinc, B. Kocazeybek, Ahmet Numan Demir, 2022, Obesity Surgery.

G. Muscogiuri, A. Colao, L. Barrea, 2022, Current Obesity Reports.

J. N. Fidalgo, Jimmy D Bell, L. S. Silveira, 2015, Obesity Facts.

Luca Busetto, Hermann Toplak, Volkan Yumuk, 2015, Obesity Facts.

Y. Dikmen, O. Ergonul, T. Damci, 2021, Obesity Facts.

J. Oppert, N. Scopinaro, G. Frühbeck, 2014, Obesity Surgery.

P. Yumuk, V. Yumuk, 2005 .

N. Turan, H. Hatemi, V. Yumuk, 2005, Diabetes research and clinical practice.

V. Yumuk, H. Yanardağ, S. Uygun, 2005, Singapore medical journal.

N. Turan, H. Hatemi, N. Arik, 2003, Metabolic syndrome and related disorders.

A. Van Gossum, Y. Boirie, S. Bischoff, 2018, Obesity Facts.

T. Jenssen, G. Muscogiuri, A. Colao, 2023, Current Obesity Reports.

T. Visscher, A. Basdevant, N. Finer, 2016, Obesity Facts.

A. Van Gossum, Y. Boirie, S. Bischoff, 2018, Obesity Facts.

J. Oppert, N. Scopinaro, G. Frühbeck, 2013, Obesity Facts.

F. Horber, M. Deitel, J. Oppert, 2017, Rozhledy v chirurgii : mesicnik Ceskoslovenske chirurgicke spolecnosti.

J. Lakerveld, L. Keaver, T. Visscher, 2017, Obesity Facts.

J. Lakerveld, L. Keaver, T. Visscher, 2017 .

G. Muscogiuri, P. Sbraccia, A. Colao, 2023, Current Obesity Reports.

D S Bell, V Yumuk, D. Bell, 1997, Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

G. Frühbeck, V. Yumuk, 2014, Obesity Facts.

Y. Bozkuş, Y. Altuntas, R. Çakmak, 2018, Diabetes research and clinical practice.

A. Van Gossum, Y. Boirie, R. Vettor, 2018, Clinical nutrition.