P. Reddy


G. Pandey, S. Pandey, J. Javaid, 1994, Biological Psychiatry.

V. Paul, K. Rajasekaran, P. Reddy, 2001, Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology.

S. Juo, Hsiu-Fen Lin, R. Grewal, 2006, Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association.

H. Bhargava, P. Reddy, S. Thorat, 1993, Brain Research.

Veeranna, G. Matwyshyn, H. Bhargava, 1994, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior.

P. Reddy, Andrea R. Terrell, Vipin Adhlakha, 2018, Methods in molecular biology.