M. Telli


N. Aydın, M. Eyigör, M. Telli, 2011, Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy.

D. Gordon, E. Ünlü, M. Telli, 2015, PloS one.

L. Dijkshoorn, J. Vila, B. Lievens, 2017, Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Fatma Pehlİvan KarakaŞ, E. Ünlü, M. Telli, 2020, Turkish journal of biology = Turk biyoloji dergisi.

J. Vila, José A. Martínez, S. Soto, 2010, FEMS microbiology letters.

Y. Durum, Y. Turan, A. Tosun, 2020, Meandros Medical and Dental Journal.

S. Şen, Ekrem Senturk, M. Telli, 2010, Jornal brasileiro de pneumologia : publicacao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisilogia.

A. Berdeli, F. Sönmez, M. Telli, 2014, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

S. Şen, Ekrem Senturk, M. Telli, 2012, Archivos de bronconeumologia.

Hilal Uysal, M. Telli, Hulki Meltem Söonmez, 2014 .

M. Eyigör, B. Cakmak, M. Türkmen, 2014, Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.

N. Aydın, U. Parın, S. Kirkan, 2019, Meandros Medical and Dental Journal.

Y. Çetinkol, M. Telli, A. Yıldırım, 2016, Le infezioni in medicina : rivista periodica di eziologia, epidemiologia, diagnostica, clinica e terapia delle patologie infettive.

E. Ceylan, A. Turgutkaya, I. Yavaşoğlu, 2019, International Blood Research & Reviews.