Y. Kunz


Y. Kunz, M. AL-Adhami, 1977, Development, growth & differentiation.

Y. Kunz, 2007, Neuroembryology and Aging.

C. Luer, B. Kapoor, Y. Kunz, 2009 .

E. Schmitt, Y. Kunz, 1989, Brain, behavior and evolution.

Y. Kunz, M. AL-Adhami, 1976, Wilhelm Roux's archives of developmental biology.

Y. Kunz, 2004 .

G. Wildenburg, Y. Kunz, E. Callaghan, 1994, Vision Research.

Y. Kunz, 1969, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B: Biological, geological, and chemical science.

J. Grainger, Y. Kunz, 1966, Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen.