A. Rocco


L. Vandam, A. Rocco, 1957, Journal of the American Medical Association.

F. Vidal, E. Samsó, A. Rocco, 2006 .

J. Philip, R. Boas, A. Rocco, 1996, Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

A. Rocco, Diane Palombl, Diane Raeke, 1992, Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

J. Philip, A. Rocco, 2006, Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

J. Philip, A. Rocco, 2006, Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

S. A. Raymond, D. Freiberger, A. Rocco, 1985, Anesthesia and analgesia.

J. Wildsmith, A. Rocco, 1985, Regional anesthesia and pain medicine.

A. M. Horowitz, J. Boon, M. Concepcion, 1984, Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

V. Chan, G. R. Arthur, F. Ferrante, 1991, Anesthesia and analgesia.

L. Vandam, A. Rocco, 1959, Anesthesiology.

B. Covino, M. Concepcion, A. Rocco, 1982, Anesthesia and analgesia.

M. Maurizi, R. Pellini, A. Rocco, 1993, Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale.

D. Palombi, A. Rocco, Diane Raeke, 1993, Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

B. Covino, A. Rocco, M. Bizzarri-Schmid, 1983, Anesthesia and analgesia.

A. Rocco, Michael F. Ferrante, L. Johnson, 1988, Anesthesia and analgesia.

V. Chan, A. Rocco, C. Iacobo, 1989, The Hospice journal.