B. Subiyanto


D. Hermawan, S. Kawai, B. Subiyanto, 2001, Journal of Wood Science.

B. Subiyanto, K. Wiweka, Dipa Teruna Awaludin, 2021, International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research.

W. B. Kusumaningrum, N. Masruchin, E. Hermiati, 2017 .

B. Subiyanto, 2021, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on blended learning, educational technology and Innovation (ACBLETI 2020).

H. Hasanudin, Andini Nurwulandari, B. Subiyanto, 2022, Cogent Economics & Finance.

Ismadi, A. Fudholi, W. Fatriasari, 2021, Journal of Materials Research and Technology.

Subyakto, Sudarmanto, B. Subiyanto, 2020, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

S. Kawai, B. Subiyanto, T. Hata, 1989, Wood Science and Technology.

L. Suryanegara, Subyakto Subyakto, R. Marlina, 2020, Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan.

Ismadi, B. Subiyanto, A. Syahrir, 2021, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

F. A. Syamani, M. Y. Massijaya, B. Subiyanto, 2011, Insects.

B. Subiyanto, Muti’ah, Marsyaf, 2020, European Journal of Business and Management.

K. Digdowiseiso, B. Subiyanto, Retno Setioningsih, 2022, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy.

Arthur Daniel Limantara, Edy Gardjito, Ahmad Ridwan, 2019, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.