G. Ferguson


Lauren Eales, Sarah Gillespie, G. Ferguson, 2022, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Jessica L. Wilson, J. M. Thorn, G. Ferguson, 2011, Journal of Genetic Counseling.

S. M. Carlson, Lauren Eales, Sarah Gillespie, 2021, Developmental psychology.

Lauren Eales, Sarah Gillespie, G. Ferguson, 2020, Online Readings in Psychology and Culture.

G. Ferguson, Jaime Sebastián F. Galán Jiménez, Omar Sánchez-Armáss Cappello, 2019, Acta de Investigación Psicológica.

D. Birman, G. Ferguson, Dina Birman, 2016 .

B. Fiese, G. Ferguson, Michelle Nelson, 2019, The American psychologist.

M. Bornstein, G. Ferguson, 2015, International journal of intercultural relations : IJIR.

M. Raffaelli, G. Ferguson, Maria I. Iturbide, 2020, Journal of Adolescent Research.

G. Ferguson, Maria I. Iturbide, J. Nguyễn, 2017, Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology.

M. Nelson, Rachel Powell, G. Ferguson, 2020 .

G. Ferguson, J. Nguyễn, 2019, New directions for child and adolescent development.

Yuna L. Ferguson, G. Ferguson, K. T. Ferguson, 2017, International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie.

B. Adams, G. Ferguson, 2016 .

José M. Causadias, Tori S. Simenec, G. Ferguson, 2022, Annual review of clinical psychology.

M. Bornstein, C. Désir, G. Ferguson, 2014, The Journal of early adolescence.

M. Nelson, B. Fiese, G. Ferguson, 2020, Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence.

R. Dimitrova, G. Ferguson, 2019, New directions for child and adolescent development.

M. Nelson, B. Fiese, Rachel Powell, 2021, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.