J. Y. Kim


D. Bogen, D. Kelley, A. E. James, 2020, Health affairs.

D. Kelley, A. E. James, M. Jarlenski, 2019, Obstetrics and gynecology.

K. Zivin, L. Allen, J. Donohue, 2021, Journal of addiction medicine.

J. Donohue, Shamis Mohamoud, D. Crane, 2022, Journal of substance abuse treatment.

D. Bogen, J. Donohue, L. Bodnar, 2017, Obstetrics and gynecology.

Hyejin Chun, Hong Soo Lee, K. Shim, 2014, Korean journal of family medicine.

T. Rim, S. S. Kim, J. Y. Kim, 2017, Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO.

A. Gordon, J. Donohue, Shamis Mohamoud, 2022, Journal of substance abuse treatment.

D. Kelley, A. E. James, M. Jarlenski, 2018, Drug and alcohol dependence.