A. Sastry


James A. Freebersyser, M. S. Corson, M. Scott Corson, 1999, Clust. Comput..

L. P. Clare, A.R.K. Sastry, A. Sastry, 1989, IEEE Military Communications Conference, 'Bridging the Gap. Interoperability, Survivability, Security'.

A. R. K. Sastry, A. Sastry, 1983, MILCOM 1983 - IEEE Military Communications Conference.

A.R.K. Sastry, L.N. Kanal, L. Kanal, 1978, Proceedings of the IEEE.

R. J. Doyle, A.R.K. Sastry, A. Sastry, 1992, MILCOM 92 Conference Record.

R. J. Doyle, A.R.K. Sastry, A. Sastry, 1991, MILCOM 91 - Conference record.

A. Sastry, A. Sastry, 1984, IEEE Communications Magazine.