Terry Fleury


Jim Basney, Jeff Gaynor, Marlon Pierce, 2020, PEARC.

John C. Hart, Wojciech Jarosz, Ed Bachta, 2002, Proceedings SMI. Shape Modeling International 2002.

Wojciech Jarosz, Terry Fleury, John Hart, 2002, Proceedings SMI. Shape Modeling International 2002.

Jing Tao, Jim Basney, Von Welch, 2006, 2006 IEEE Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments.

J. Basney, Terry Fleury, Phuong M Cao, 2020, 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud and Big Data Systems and Application (DependSys).

Jim Basney, Jeff Gaynor, Terry Fleury, 2013, Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp..