C. Henny


D. Canfield, S. Crowe, D. Fowle, 2019, Nature Communications.

Shawn W. Polson, J. Maresca, Olga Shevchenko, 2019, Microbiology Resource Announcements.

C. Henny, R. Kurniawan, Trisuryono, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

D. Canfield, S. Crowe, D. Fowle, 2016, Geobiology.

J. Russell, S. Crowe, A. Lücke, 2019, Biogeosciences.

D. Canfield, S. Katsev, S. Crowe, 2011 .

M. Alawi, S. Crowe, D. Wagner, 2016, Front. Microbiol..

C. Michiels, S. Crowe, J. Kallmeyer, 2020, Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

J. Russell, S. Crowe, J. Kallmeyer, 2019, Geology.

A. B. Santoso, C. Henny, T. Suryono, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

S. Crowe, D. Fowle, C. Padilla, 2019, Environmental microbiology reports.

C. Henny, E. Susanti, D. Rohaningsih, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Surono, C. Henny, I. Melati, 2021, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

C. Henny, R. Kurniawan, I. Akhdiana, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

C. Henny, I. Melati, G. Rahayu, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Vincent J. Denef, Natalia N. Ivanova, Paramvir S. Dehal, 2020, Nature Biotechnology.

D. Canfield, E. Delong, S. Crowe, 2014, Geobiology.

J. Maresca, C. Henny, Mengyin Yao, 2016, Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

E. Prihatinningtyas, M. R. Widoretno, C. Henny, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Sulastri, S. Nomosatryo, C. Henny, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Sulastri, C. Henny, E. Susanti, 2020, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

A. B. Santoso, Sulastri, C. Henny, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

M. Alawi, S. Crowe, D. Wagner, 2018, Environmental microbiology.

J. Russell, S. Crowe, D. Wagner, 2021, Nature Communications.

C. Henny, T. Suryono, G. P. Yoga, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Surono, H. Effendi, C. Henny, 2023, Bioresource Technology Reports.

C. Henny, E. Susanti, BT Sudiono, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Marianne, H. C. van der Mei, H. Busscher, 1997, Applied and environmental microbiology.

Surono, C. Henny, I. Melati, 2023, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.