Nicholas J. Kelling


Gregory M. Corso, Nicholas J. Kelling, Christopher D. Ryan, 2008 .

Gregory M. Corso, Nicholas J. Kelling, G. Corso, 2017 .

Nicholas J. Kelling, Angela S. Kelling, A. Kelling, 2014 .

Nicholas J. Kelling, Terry L. Maple, Angela S. Kelling, 2012, Journal of applied animal welfare science : JAAWS.

Nicholas Kelling, Gregory M. Corso, Nicholas J. Kelling, 2018 .

Nicholas Kelling, Christy Harper, Eric Thomas, 2015 .

Heather C. Lum, Grace E. Waldfogle, Nicholas J. Kelling, 2018, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

Heather C. Lum, Grace E. Waldfogle, Nicholas J. Kelling, 2018, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

Nicholas J. Kelling, Christopher P Ward, William R. Buras, 2019, Journal of neuroscience research.

Nicholas J. Kelling, Jessyca L. Derby, Michael A. Rupp, 2023, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.