A. Letendre


K. Caelli, A. Letendre, J. Downie, 2002, Journal of advanced nursing.

M. Vaska, K. Kopciuk, A. Letendre, 2021, Current oncology.

G. Garvey, K. Howard, Michele A. Connolly, 2022, International journal of environmental research and public health.

J. Shaw, B. Kelly, J. Cunningham, 2020, JCO global oncology.

P. Tanuseputro, A. Letendre, S. Funnell, 2019, Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement.

L. Burhansstipanov, W. Duggleby, Tess Moeke-Maxwell, 2015, Palliative and Supportive Care.

J. Shaw, B. Kelly, J. Cunningham, 2020 .

D. Manuel, Jennifer Walker, P. Tanuseputro, 2021, Canadian Journal of Public Health.