B. Rabin


E. Iecovich, B. Rabin, Esther Iecovich, 2014, American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Y. Levy, Y. Mushkat, R. Zissin, 2007, Patient education and counseling.

B. Rabin, N. Fraidlin, 2007, Social work in health care.

S. Rabin, E. Kitai, E. Kahan, 2000, The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ.

B. Rabin, N. Fraidlin, 2006, Social work in health care.

B. Rabin, Esther Iecovich, Michal Penchak, 2013, Home health care services quarterly.

B. Rabin, S. Lehmann, D. Kedar, 1998, Social work in health care.

B. Rabin, Esther Iecovich, 2014, American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.