F. Eede


S. Claes, W. Hulstijn, B. Sabbe, 2011, Psychiatry Research.

Y. Jacquemyn, F. Raes, B. Sabbe, 2015, Archives of Women's Mental Health.

S. Vanneste, D. Veltman, P. Heyning, 2016, Hearing Research.

C. Broeckhoven, S. Claes, F. Eede, 2005, Ageing Research Reviews.

Julien Mendlewicz, Jurgen Del-Favero, Christine Van Broeckhoven, 2006, Neuropsychopharmacology.

B. Penninx, D. Veltman, L. Schmaal, 2021, Journal of affective disorders.

B. Penninx, D. Veltman, F. Lamers, 2014, Depression and anxiety.

C. Broeckhoven, S. Claes, D. West, 2006, Trends in endocrinology and metabolism.

S. Claes, W. Hulstijn, B. Sabbe, 2007, Psychological Medicine.

S. Claes, S. Kempke, P. Luyten, 2013, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

G. Moorkens, F. Eede, 2012, Nature Reviews Endocrinology.

S. Claes, W. Hulstijn, B. Sabbe, 2006 .

D. De Ridder, D. Ridder, S. Vanneste, 2018, Journal of psychosomatic research.

W. Hulstijn, B. Sabbe, F. Van Den Eede, 2009, Journal of affective disorders.