L. Jaszmann


W. Everaerd, W. Everaerd, A. Oldenhave, 1993, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.

J. Thijssen, A. Haspels, J. Poortman, 1984, Journal of steroid biochemistry.

L. Jaszmann, N. D. van Lith, J. Zaat, 1969, International journal of fertility.

L. Jaszmann, L. Jaszmann, 1960, The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire.

L. Jaszmann, N. D. Lith, 1970, The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Commonwealth.

M. Keirse, L. Jaszmann, A. Frankena, 1980, European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology.

L. Jaszmann, Y. G. Meer, A. V. Loenen, 1982, Pharmaceutisch Weekblad.