Chien-jung Huang


T. Ho, Un-In Wu, Ta-Ching Chen, 2020, Journal of Clinical Immunology.

W. Craelius, W. Green, Chien-jung Huang, 1996, Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference.

Yu-Chih Hou, I. Wang, F. Hu, 2018, Eye & contact lens.

J. Eldredge, S. Mallya, Shao-Ching Huang, 2015, Journal of the California Dental Association.

Rodrigo R. Paz, Chien-Jung Huang, Facundo Del Pin, 2020, Computational Particle Mechanics.

W. Craelius, C. Palant, Chien-jung Huang, 1996, Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference.

J. Eldredge, S. Mallya, Shao-Ching Huang, 2015, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics.