Yuanbin Guo


Yuanbin Guo, D. McCain, J.R. Cavallaro, 2005, VTC-2005-Fall. 2005 IEEE 62nd Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005..

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Kiarash Amiri, Yuanbin Guo, 2012, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).

Yuanbin Guo, J.R. Cavallaro, 2007, 2007 Conference Record of the Forty-First Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers.

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Guohui Wang, 2011, ASAP 2011 - 22nd IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors.

Yuanbin Guo, 2005, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2005.

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Predrag Radosavljevic, 2009, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, 2002, 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.02CH37353).

Yuanbin Guo, Dennis McCain, 2006, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. WCNC 2006..

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Jianzhong Zhang, 2006, EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process..

Yuanbin Guo, Yuanbin Guo, 2000 .

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Gang Xu, Yuanbin Guo, 2003, 14th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, 2003. Proceedings..

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Dennis McCain, 2005, Proceedings. (ICASSP '05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005..

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Dennis McCain, 2004, 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37512).

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Jianzhong Zhang, 2005, GLOBECOM '05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005..

Yuanbin Guo, Dennis McCain, 2005, GLOBECOM '05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005..

Yuanbin Guo, D. McCain, J.R. Cavallaro, 2005, VTC-2005-Fall. 2005 IEEE 62nd Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005..

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, 2002, 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.02CH37353).

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Xuguang Wang, 2001, GLOBECOM'01. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Cat. No.01CH37270).

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Jianzhong Zhang, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Jianzhong Zhang, 2003, The Thrity-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, 2003.

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Hao Shen, Yuanbin Guo, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.

Yuanbin Guo, B. Aazhong, 2000, VTC2000-Spring. 2000 IEEE 51st Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37026).

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Jianzhong Zhang, 2004, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM '04..

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Hao Shen, Yuanbin Guo, 2013, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2013).

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Dennis McCain, 2006, EURASIP J. Embed. Syst..

Yuanbin Guo, Bin Wen, Qihu Li, 1998, ICCT'98. 1998 International Conference on Communication Technology. Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.98EX243).

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Hao Shen, Yuanbin Guo, 2013, 2013 IEEE 24th International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors.

Joseph R. Cavallaro, Yuanbin Guo, Yuanbin Guo, 2002, Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference.