S. Wculek


D. Sancho, Elena Priego, Sofía C. Khouili, 2019, Front. Immunol..

Angestrebter akademischer Grad, P. Kovarik, S. Wculek, 2011 .

D. Sancho, S. Wculek, 2019, Cell Research.

I. Melero, M. Krummel, D. Sancho, 2019, Nature Reviews Immunology.

I. Melero, D. Sancho, Joaquín Amores-Iniesta, 2019, Journal of Immunotherapy for Cancer.

D. Sancho, G. Dunphy, A. Mastrangelo, 2021, Cellular & Molecular Immunology.

Julia B. Cordero, B. Spencer‐Dene, B. Thompson, 2016, Journal of Cell Science.

Julia B. Cordero, B. Spencer‐Dene, B. Thompson, 2016, Development.

Leon N. Schulte, C. Rubio, R. Perona, 2020, Oncoimmunology.

M. Gonzalez-Gaitan, G. Emery, Gloria Assaker, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Michael Detmar, Erwin F. Wagner, E. Wagner, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G. Coukos, B. Neyns, I. Melero, 2019, Journal of Immunotherapy for Cancer.

D. Sancho, S. Wculek, 2019, Cell Research.

I. Amit, D. Green, Russell G. Jones, 2023, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

I. Malanchi, S. Wculek, 2015, The EMBO journal.

I. Melero, M. Krummel, D. Sancho, 2019, Nature Reviews Immunology.

S. Wculek, Ignacio Heras-Murillo, David Sancho, 2024, Nature reviews. Clinical oncology.

S. Wculek, David Sancho, Verónica Miguel, 2024, Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism.