G. Haliloglu


P. Simsek-Kiper, G. Utine, K. Boduroğlu, 2021, European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.

D. Yalnızoǧlu, D. Alehan, O. Teksam, 2022, The American journal of emergency medicine.

M. Topcu, K. Oguz, A. Cila, 2010, Diagnostic and interventional radiology.

Halil Alkan, A. Mutlu, G. Haliloglu, 2021, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

K. Doerschner, M. Alikaşifoğlu, Ç. Temucin, 2013, American Journal of Neuroradiology.

M. Topcu, B. Anlar, M. Alikaşifoğlu, 2014, European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.

M. Topcu, H. Demir, A. Yuce, 2017, European Journal of Pediatrics.

M. Cossée, R. Heller, A. Koy, 2019, Genetics in Medicine.

H. Topaloglu, G. Haliloglu, 2013, Handbook of clinical neurology.

A. D’Amico, S. Benedetti, E. Bertini, 2005, Neuromuscular Disorders.

D. Yalnızoǧlu, M. Topcu, G. Turanlı, 2007, Brain and Development.

I. Gut, J. Melki, J. Maluenda, 2015, Neurology.

H. Topaloglu, Ç. Temucin, D. Yüksel, 2016, Neuromuscular Disorders.

H. Per, M. Canpolat, D. Yalnızoǧlu, 2022, European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.

M. Main, F. Muntoni, A. Beggs, 2020, Annals of clinical and translational neurology.

E. Aronica, P. Andersen, P. van Damme, 2019, Annals of clinical and translational neurology.

T. Coşkun, H. Topaloglu, M. Kılıç, 2009, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

B. Anlar, G. Haliloglu, Mesut Gungor, 2015, The Journal of pediatrics.

B. Yalçın, T. Kutluk, E. Sağ, 2015, Journal of child neurology.

E. Taşkiran, P. Simsek-Kiper, G. Utine, 2018, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

H. Topaloglu, M. Alikaşifoğlu, G. Haliloglu, 2018, Neuropediatrics.

D. Yalnızoǧlu, C. Yalçınkaya, M. Topcu, 2005, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

H. Topaloglu, G. Haliloglu, H. Topaloğlu, 2004, Current opinion in neurology.

B. Salancı, M. Alikaşifoğlu, Y. Alanay, 2013, Journal of child neurology.

U. Arslan, B. Akpınar, K. Oguz, 2014, American journal of medical genetics. Part A.

Anita MacDonald, Flemming Skovby, Brian Fowler, 2014, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

P. Striano, S. Auvin, C. Mühlhausen, 2021, Expert review of neurotherapeutics.

M. Baumgartner, M. Hochuli, S. Grünert, 2021, Journal of inherited metabolic disease.

O. Sanal, I. Tezcan, Dara M Strauss-Albee, 2012, Journal of Clinical Immunology.

A. Tokatlı, G. Haliloglu, Yılmaz Yıldız, 2016, Neuropediatrics.

T. Coşkun, R. Wanders, M. Kılıç, 2015, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

T. Coşkun, H. Topaloglu, B. Talim, 2019, Pediatric neurology.

I. Richard, H. Topaloglu, E. Tan, 2006, European Journal of Pediatrics.

G. Ravenscroft, E. Todd, N. Romero, 2015, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

E. Bertini, F. Muntoni, R. Bryson-Richardson, 2013, American journal of human genetics.

C. Gunbey, R. Gocmen, G. Haliloglu, 2021, European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.

G. Ravenscroft, L. Swanson, A. Beggs, 2014, American journal of human genetics.

J. Shendure, B. O’Roak, I. Glass, 2015, Journal of Medical Genetics.

F. Rivier, A. Toutain, B. Echenne, 2010, Annals of neurology.

A. Kara, I. Devrim, G. Seçmeer, 2008, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

H. Topaloglu, G. Haliloglu, H. Topaloğlu, 2020, Definitions.

G. Ravenscroft, N. Laing, M. Delatycki, 2017, Neuromuscular Disorders.

M. Hurles, C. Walsh, F. Muntoni, 2013, American journal of human genetics.

I. Tezcan, B. Anlar, D. Çağdaş, 2019, Neuropediatrics.

B. Anlar, Y. Ozsurekci, O. Demir, 2022, The Journal of Pediatrics.

A. Kara, G. Kanra, S. Unal, 2005, Journal of child neurology.

K. Oguz, D. Alehan, G. Haliloglu, 2008, Pediatric Radiology.

D. Yalnızoǧlu, G. Turanlı, A. Aksoy, 2015, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

A. Forrest, F. Muntoni, G. Ravenscroft, 2018, Human molecular genetics.

S. Yılmaz, A. Smorenburg, S. Bertoli, 2021, Disability and rehabilitation.

O. Sanal, I. Tezcan, Dara M Strauss-Albee, 2012, Journal of Clinical Immunology.

H. Topaloglu, A. Karaduman, I. Alemdaroğlu, 2011, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

B. Anlar, S. Aysun, E. Yılmaz, 2003, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

A. Mutlu, A. Livanelioğlu, G. Haliloğlu, 2021, The Turkish journal of pediatrics.

M. Alikaşifoğlu, Y. Alanay, G. Utine, 2011, Molecular Syndromology.

D. Yalnızoǧlu, K. Oguz, O. Teksam, 2016, Pediatric emergency care.

D. Yalnızoǧlu, O. Teksam, G. Haliloglu, 2019, The American journal of emergency medicine.

D. Yalnızoǧlu, B. Anlar, S. Aysun, 2002, Journal of child neurology.

S. Ozen, B. Talim, E. Sağ, 2022, Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism.

S. Ozen, H. Topaloglu, G. Kale, 2020, Rheumatology International.

A. Bakkaloğlu, S. Kadayıfçılar, G. Haliloğlu, 2010, Pediatric Transplantation.

K. Oguz, O. Kandemir, D. Karçaaltıncaba, 2009, Pediatric Radiology.

J. Sass, T. Coşkun, J. Fischer, 2009, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

T. Coşkun, A. Yaramis, G. Haliloglu, 2020, Pediatrics.

S. Donkervoort, C. Bonnemann, G. Utine, 2022, The Journal of Pediatric Research.

G. Haliloglu, 2022, European journal of paediatric neurology.

A. Yüce, H. T. Çak, G. Haliloglu, 2014, European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.

G. Haliloglu, H. Topaloğlu, 2020, Definitions.

I. Gut, J. Melki, J. Maluenda, 2015, Neurology.

H. Kilic, C. Bekircan-Kurt, G. Haliloglu, 2020, Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers.

P. Simsek-Kiper, G. Utine, Burak Başer, 2024, Molecular Syndromology.