Lewis L. Chuang


Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Nina Flad, 2016 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Evangelia-Regkina Symeonidou, 2014 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Christiane Glatz, 2015 .

Lewis L. Chuang, Marie Lahmer, Verena C. Seibold, 2018 .

Albrecht Schmidt, Lewis L. Chuang, Thomas Kosch, 2017, MUM.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Frank M. Nieuwenhuizen, Lewis L. Chuang, 2014, HCI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Roland W. Fleming, 2010, ECCE.

Wendy Ju, Linda Ng Boyle, Lewis L. Chuang, 2019, Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact..

Niels Henze, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, 2018, AutomotiveUI.

Manfred Tscheligi, Alexander G. Mirnig, Bastian Pfleging, 2016, AutomotiveUI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Frank M. Nieuwenhuizen, Lewis L. Chuang, 2013, HCI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Frank M. Nieuwenhuizen, Lewis L. Chuang, 2014 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, M Scheer, 2015 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, 2010, PRICAI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Björn Browatzki, 2014, Front. Hum. Neurosci..

Linda Ng Boyle, Stephen A. Brewster, Lewis L. Chuang, 2019, AutomotiveUI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Quoc C. Vuong, 2012, Front. Comput. Neurosci..

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, H-J Bieg, 2013 .

Ronald Schroeter, Lewis L. Chuang, Andreas Löcken, 2015 .

Markus Funk, Albrecht Schmidt, Lewis L. Chuang, 2018, Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact..

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Jl Souman, 2011 .

Antonio Franchi, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Quoc C. Vuong, 2010 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Roland W. Fleming, 2008, VMV.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Hans-Joachim Bieg, 2012, Mensch & Computer.

Lewis L. Chuang, Ulrike Pfeil, L. Chuang, 2018, CHI Extended Abstracts.

Antonio Franchi, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Dongjun Lee, 2011, 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.

Daniel Weiskopf, Pernilla Qvarfordt, Lewis L. Chuang, 2018, Dagstuhl Reports.

Harald Reiterer, Lewis L. Chuang, Hans-Joachim Bieg, 2009, INTERACT.

Lewis L. Chuang, Taufik Akbar Sitompul, Markus Wallmyr, 2019, AutomotiveUI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Menja Scheer, 2018, Hum. Factors.

Lewis L. Chuang, Christiane Glatz, Stas S. Krupenia, 2017, AutomotiveUI.

Lewis L. Chuang, Andrew L. Kun, Christian P. Janssen, 2018, AutomotiveUI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Frank M. Nieuwenhuizen, Lewis L. Chuang, 2012 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Ian M. Thornton, 2005, APGV '05.

Susanne Boll, Wilko Heuten, Lewis L. Chuang, 2016, AutomotiveUI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Christiane Glatz, 2015 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, M Scheer, 2014 .

Manfred Tscheligi, Alexander G. Mirnig, Rod McCall, 2016, AutomotiveUI.

Judy Kay, Albrecht Schmidt, Lewis L. Chuang, 2017, Dagstuhl Reports.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Christiane Glatz, 2016 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Frank M. Nieuwenhuizen, Lewis L. Chuang, 2014, HCI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Harald Reiterer, Lewis L. Chuang, 2010, ETRA.

Lewis L. Chuang, Martin Baumann, Tonja Machulla, 2017, AutomotiveUI.

Lewis L. Chuang, Stefan Brandenburg, L. Chuang, 2019, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.

Stefan Schneegaß, Lewis L. Chuang, Martin Baumann, 2018, AutomotiveUI.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Nina Flad, 2015 .

Lewis L. Chuang, Hh Bülthoff, N Flad, 2018 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Rob Gray, 2016, 2016 IEEE Second Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS).

Niels Henze, Lewis L. Chuang, Valentin Schwind, 2017, CHI PLAY.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Nina Flad, 2015 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Hans-Joachim Bieg, 2013, HCI.

Albrecht Schmidt, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, 2016, 2016 IEEE Second Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS).

Susanne Boll, Lewis L. Chuang, Andreas Löcken, 2016, AutomotiveUI.

Lewis L. Chuang, Pawel W. Wozniak, Jakob Karolus, 2016, NordiCHI.

Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas, Christian Wallraven, 2018, Entropy.

Albrecht Schmidt, Lewis L. Chuang, Pawel W. Wozniak, 2017, CHI.

Lewis L. Chuang, C Wallraven, C. Wallraven, 2011 .

Lewis L. Chuang, Hyoung Il Son, Junsuk Kim, 2011, 2011 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems.

Antonio Franchi, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Dongjun Lee, 2011, 2011 IEEE World Haptics Conference.

Lewis L. Chuang, Christiane Glatz, Marie Lahmer, 2018, AutomotiveUI.

Lewis L. Chuang, Thomas Kosch, David Bethge, 2021, UIST.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Jean-Pierre Bresciani, 2015, Experimental Brain Research.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Christiane Glatz, 2015 .

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Jonathan Allsop, 2017, Journal of Eye Movement Research.

Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Lewis L. Chuang, Christiane Glatz, 2014 .