M. Carroll


Yuming Guo, M. Abramson, A. Del Monaco, 2019, International journal of environmental research and public health.

D. Maybery, E. Berger, M. Carroll, 2018, Child & Youth Care Forum.

Judi Walker, M. Abramson, M. Sim, 2021, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Judi Walker, K. Boyer, P. Orpin, 2015 .

A. Robinson, M. Carroll, Angela J Todd, 2015, Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics.

D. Maybery, E. Berger, M. Carroll, 2020, Child & Youth Care Forum.

D. Maybery, Frank O'dowd, S. Basu, 2015, Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.

M. Carroll, Angela J Todd, E. Mitchell, 2016, Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics.

D. Maybery, E. Berger, M. Carroll, 2018, Journal of child & adolescent trauma.

D. Maybery, S. Basu, K. Sutton, 2020, International journal of mental health nursing.

Judi Walker, H. Khalil, H. Chambers, 2015, Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society.

L. McLean, E. Berger, M. Carroll, 2021, Social science & medicine.

T. McCaffrey, M. Abramson, T. McCaffrey, 2023, medRxiv.

M. Abramson, A. Del Monaco, M. Dennekamp, 2019, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Judi Walker, M. Abramson, A. Del Monaco, 2021, Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress.

D. Maybery, J. Dipnall, E. Berger, 2023, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.

Judi Walker, M. Abramson, M. Sim, 2022, International journal of hygiene and environmental health.

F. Johnston, Judi Walker, D. Liew, 2020, International journal of epidemiology.

Judi Walker, M. Abramson, M. Sim, 2021, International journal of hygiene and environmental health.