C. Theofanakis


A. Pletnev, K. Zalewski, M. Lanner, 2021, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer.

A. Kyriakidis, C. Theofanakis, 2011, Gynecological Surgery.

D. Loutradis, Myrto Papamentzelopoulou, D. Mavrogianni, 2012, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.

S. Marinopoulos, M. Sotiropoulou, C. Dimitrakakis, 2017, International journal of surgery case reports.

P. Drakakis, D. Loutradis, C. Theofanakis, 2017, International journal of molecular sciences.

D. Loutradis, D. Mavrogianni, R. Bletsa, 2012, Current pharmaceutical biotechnology.

D. Haidopoulos, A. Prodromidou, A. Rodolakis, 2021, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

M. Dimopoulos, K. Koutsoukos, D. Haidopoulos, 2021, Current oncology.

A. Pletnev, K. Zalewski, C. Fotopoulou, 2022, International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.

D. Loutradis, D. Mavrogianni, G. Partsinevelos, 2012, Current pharmaceutical biotechnology.

J. Ledermann, A. Strojna, A. Pletnev, 2022, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer.

P. Drakakis, D. Loutradis, S. Stavrou, 2019, Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction.

A. Rodolakis, N. Thomakos, M. Sotiropoulou, 2016, International journal of surgery case reports.

J. Ledermann, M. Gultekin, A. Strojna, 2022, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer.

D. Haidopoulos, A. Prodromidou, A. Rodolakis, 2022, Frontiers in Surgery.