A. Glass


C. Antzelevitch, L. Belardinelli, S. Sicouri, 2008, Heart rhythm.

S. Taffet, W. Coombs, A. Glass, 2013, Comparative medicine.

S. Taffet, A. Glass, Elizabeth G. Snyder, 2015, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

M. Chanson, S. Taffet, B. Kwak, 2014, Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

Min Chul Kim, Jong Chun Park, Ju Han Kim, 2017, Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology.

Charles Antzelevitch, C. Antzelevitch, S. Sicouri, 2010, Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology.

S. Taffet, B. Wolf, M. Princiotta, 2013, The Journal of Immunology.

Christian W Zemlin, J. Gemel, C. Zemlin, 2010, Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology.

S. Taffet, A. Glass, Elizabeth G. Snyder, 2015, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

J. D. de Bakker, M. Vos, T. V. van Veen, 2019, International journal of molecular sciences.

C. Antzelevitch, L. Belardinelli, S. Sicouri, 2008, Heart rhythm.