Kees Schuerman


Constantin Halatsis, Panagiotis Stamatopoulos, Isambo Karali, 1994, ENTER.

Christopher J. Rawlings, Angelos Kolokouris, Mike Reeve, 1993, PARLE.

André Véron, Kees Schuerman, Hans Benker, 1990, Proceedings of the Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing 1990.

André Véron, Kees Schuerman, Michel Dorochevsky, 1991, ICLP Workshop on Parallel Execution of Logic Programs.

Christopher J. Rawlings, Mike Reeve, André Véron, 1993, ICLP.

André Véron, Kees Schuerman, Michel Dorochevsky, 1991, EDMCC.

Mike Reeve, André Véron, Kees Schuerman, 1992, LPAR.

André Véron, Kees Schuerman, S. A. Delgado-Rannauro, 1991 .

Mike Reeve, André Véron, Kees Schuerman, 1993, PARLE.