P. Gineste


H. Wedemeyer, B. Maasoumy, B. Bremer, 2022, Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver.

Raúl Tabarés Gutiérrez, Samit R. Joshi, H. Jessen, 2016, Journal of the International AIDS Society.

D. Scherrer, H. Ehrlich, J. Tazi, 2016, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

H. Tilg, S. Vermeire, D. Scherrer, 2023, Journal of Crohn's & colitis.

P. Dubreuil, O. Hermine, O. Lortholary, 2010, American journal of hematology.

A. Garcel, Noëlie Campos, D. Scherrer, 2022, Clinical and translational gastroenterology.

S. Vermeire, H. Ehrlich, A. Bourreille, 2019, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis.