I. Arendt


Yonggui Yuan, K. Christensen, D. Nishi, 2022, Journal of Affective Disorders.

Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, R. Starrfelt, I. Arendt, 2013, Neuropsychological rehabilitation.

M. Lau, S. B. Moeller, A. B. Christensen, 2021, JMIR formative research.

S. B. Moeller, I. Arendt, S. Juul, 2021, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy.

M. Lau, S. B. Moeller, A. B. Christensen, 2020, JMIR formative research.

S. Arnfred, S. B. Moeller, N. Reinholt, 2023, Psychological Test Adaptation and Development.