B. Toz


I. Yıldız, M. Başaran, F. Sen, 2012, Case Reports in Oncology.

B. Diamond, Y. Atisha‐Fregoso, B. Toz, 2021, The Journal of clinical investigation.

P. Gregersen, O. Doumbo, M. Weisman, 2018, Molecular Medicine.

M. Inanç, N. Büyükbabani, B. Toz, 2016, Best practice & research. Clinical rheumatology.

H. Oflaz, S. Büyüköztürk, N. Polat, 2012, International immunopharmacology.

E. Sağlam, A. Aydıner, M. Tambas, 2016, The Journal of dermatological treatment.

A. Erden, U. Kalyoncu, H. Küçük, 2021, Clinical Rheumatology.

T. Ecder, F. Tufan, O. Kaya, 2014, Clinical and experimental hypertension.

B. Erer, B. Toz, 2016, Autoimmunity reviews.

Ü. Özer, B. Toz, G. Özgen, 2015, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences.

H. Oflaz, A. Gurdal, H. Çamlıca, 2013, Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology.

Anoosh Zafar Gondal, J. Williams, David D. Zheng, 2021, World journal of virology.