E. Grobbee


G. Meijer, E. Dekker, M. van Engeland, 2022, World journal of gastrointestinal oncology.

E. Kuipers, M. Peppelenbosch, M. Bruno, 2019, United European gastroenterology journal.

E. Kuipers, P. Bossuyt, M. Essink‐bot, 2016, British Journal of Cancer.

E. Kuipers, P. Bossuyt, E. Dekker, 2018, Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association.

E. Kuipers, I. Lansdorp-Vogelaar, M. Bruno, 2015, The American Journal of Gastroenterology.

E. Kuipers, Eline H Schreuders, M. Spaander, 2016, Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology.

E. Kuipers, I. Lansdorp-Vogelaar, M. Bruno, 2019, The lancet. Gastroenterology & hepatology.

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E. Kuipers, P. Bossuyt, E. Dekker, 2017, United European gastroenterology journal.

E. Steyerberg, A. Zauber, I. Lansdorp-Vogelaar, 2022, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.