R. Aymar


Y. Blumenfeld, W. Scandale, John Ellis, 2004 .

R. Aymar, 2002, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE/IPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering. 19th SOFE (Cat. No.02CH37231).

David A. Petti, S. J. Piet, B. N. Kolbasov, 1997 .

R. Aymar, 1997, 17th IEEE/NPSS Symposium Fusion Engineering (Cat. No.97CH36131).

Yousry Gohar, R. Aymar, R. Parker, 1997 .

P. Libeyre, J. Hamelin, R. Aymar, 1981 .

Masashi Shimada, H. Matsumoto, R. Aymar, 2001 .

R. Aymar, R. Aymar, 1997 .

David A. Petti, B. N. Kolbasov, A. Poucet, 1997 .