M. Frøshaug


Olaf Päpke, Jan Alexander, Cathrine Thomsen, 2009, Molecular nutrition & food research.

C. Thomsen, E. Dybing, G. Becher, 2007, Environmental science & technology.

Merete Eggesbø, Cathrine Thomsen, C. Thomsen, 2010, Environment international.

G. Becher, E. Gjessing, M. Frøshaug, 1989 .

C. Thomsen, G. Becher, H. Leknes, 2003 .

C. Thomsen, L. Knudsen, M. Thomsen, 2010, International journal of hygiene and environmental health.

K. Peltonen, E. Dybing, G. Becher, 1999, American journal of industrial medicine.