N. Cai


Duojun Wang, Yanbin Wang, Ting Chen, 2021, Geophysical Research Letters.

D. Frost, T. Irifune, S. Gréaux, 2019, American Mineralogist.

R. Liebermann, Ting Chen, Baosheng Li, 2018, American Mineralogist.

T. Kikegawa, Toru Inoue, N. Cai, 2018, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.

Ting Chen, Baosheng Li, Siheng Wang, 2018, Journal of Applied Physics.

Sibo Chen, Baosheng Li, Siheng Wang, 2021, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.

Ting Chen, Baosheng Li, X. Qi, 2017, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.

Sibo Chen, Baosheng Li, Siheng Wang, 2022, Geophysical Research Letters.

Ting Chen, Baosheng Li, X. Qi, 2018, Journal of Applied Physics.