A. Urhi


S. Ilikannu, Gabriel Alugba, A. Urhi, 2022, Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research.

C. Chukwudum, Gabriel Alugba, A. Urhi, 2022, Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research.

Fareena M Soomro, A. Urhi, Gibson Anugwom, 2022, Cureus.

Gabriel Alugba, A. Urhi, Omotola Akinade, 2022, Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research.

O. Oladunjoye, Gabriel Alugba, A. Urhi, 2022, Medicine.

Fareena M Soomro, A. Urhi, Gibson Anugwom, 2022, Cureus.

Asma Khan, Sakshi Prasad, A. Urhi, 2023, Annals of medicine and surgery.

A. Urhi, D. Ogwu, Gibson O. Anugwom, 2021, Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research.