Benoît Desguin


R. Hausinger, P. Hols, T. Desmet, 2020, Scientific Reports.

R. Hausinger, P. Hols, P. Soumillion, 2018, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

R. Hausinger, P. Hols, P. Soumillion, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Hausinger, Jian Hu, M. Fellner, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Hausinger, Jian Hu, M. Fellner, 2018, Current opinion in chemical biology.

R. Hausinger, P. Hols, P. Soumillion, 2017, FEMS microbiology reviews.

Benoît Desguin, 2018 .

M. Kleerebezem, P. Goffin, P. Hols, 2014, Nature Communications.

Nordine Bakouche, P. Goffin, L. Fontaine, 2014, Journal of bacteriology.

G. Bienert, P. Hols, F. Chaumont, 2013, The Biochemical journal.