S. Razin


B. Thomsen, I. Gromova, S. Razin, 1995, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

S. Ulianov, P. Kos, S. Razin, 2017, Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry.

A. Gavrilov, S. Razin, S. Ulyanov, 2015, Molecular Biology.

Y. Vassetzky, O. Iarovaia, E. S. Philonenko, 2009, Journal of cellular biochemistry.

E. S. Gushchanskaya, S. Razin, O. Kantidze, 2012, Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics.

S. Razin, A. Gavrilov, 2015, Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin.

A. Gavrilov, S. Razin, S. Razin, 2015, Molecular Biology.

N. Petrova, O. Yarovaya, S. V. Razin, 2006, Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics.

S. Razin, O. L. Kantidze, A. K. Velichko, 2015, Biochemistry (Moscow).

O. Maksimenko, S. Razin, O. L. Kantidze, 2012, Biochemistry (Moscow).

A. K. Velichko, S. Razin, O. Kantidze, 2013, Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Y. Schwartz, I. Zhimulev, S. Demakov, 1999, Journal of cellular biochemistry.

G. Georgiev, Y. Vassetzky, S. Razin, 1989, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

S. Razin, S. Razin, 1987, BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology.

Y. Vassetzky, O. Iarovaia, V. Borunova, 2014, Biochemistry (Moscow).

Y. Vassetzky, A. Kalandadze, S. Razin, 1990, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

S. Razin, A. A. Ivanova, O. L. Kantidze, 2015, Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics.

I. Goldman, S. Razin, S. G. Kadulin, 2004, Russian Journal of Genetics.

I L Gol'dman, S G Kadulin, S V Razin, 2002, Genetika.

G. Georgiev, S. V. Razin, V. V. Chernokhvostov, 1989, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

G. Georgiev, Y. Vassetzky, A. N. Luchnik, 1991, European journal of biochemistry.

N. V. Petrova, S. Razin, O. Kantidze, 2012, Molecular Biology.

A. Penin, M. Logacheva, S. Ulyanov, 2014, Molecular Biology.

Y. Vassetzky, V. Bakayev, A. Kalandadze, 1990, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.

G. Georgiev, V. V. Chernokhvostov, S. Razin, 1988, Nucleic acids research.

R. Hancock, O. Yarovaya, S. Razin, 2001, Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics.

S. Nedospasov, G. Georgiev, V. Bakayev, 1981, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.