Alexander Dunlap


J. Mourrat, Alexander Dunlap, 2021, ArXiv.

T. Komorowski, Yu Gu, Alexander Dunlap, 2021, 2111.03650.

J. Mourrat, Alexander Dunlap, 2021, SIAM J. Math. Data Sci..

Alexander Dunlap, Jian Ding, 2020, Communications in Mathematical Physics.

O. Zeitouni, L. Ryzhik, Yu Gu, 2019, Probability Theory and Related Fields.

Jian Ding, Alexander Dunlap, Hugo Falconet, 2019, Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS.

Yu Gu, Alexander Dunlap, Yu Gu, 2021, Journal of Functional Analysis.

S. Chatterjee, Alexander Dunlap, 2018, The Annals of Probability.

Theodore D. Drivas, L. Ryzhik, J. La, 2022, Nonlinearity.

L. Ryzhik, Alexander Dunlap, 2020, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.

L. Ryzhik, Cole Graham, Alexander Dunlap, 2019, Communications in Mathematical Physics.

Jian Ding, Alexander Dunlap, 2018, 1812.06921.

Jian Ding, Alexander Dunlap, 2016, The Annals of Probability.

O. Zeitouni, L. Ryzhik, Yu Gu, 2018, Probability Theory and Related Fields.

Ofer Zeitouni, Yu Gu, Lenya Ryzhik, 2018, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.

J. Mourrat, Alexander Dunlap, 2021, ArXiv.

Cole Graham, Alexander Dunlap, 2023, 2308.11820.

T. Komorowski, Yu Gu, Alexander Dunlap, 2021, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Tomasz Komorowski, Yu Gu, Alexander Dunlap, 2021 .