V. Rothos


P. Kevrekidis, P. Tsilifis, V. Rothos, 2012, 1207.6731.

G. Nicolis, P. Patsis, M. Robnik, 2011 .

P. Kevrekidis, P. Kevrekidis, V. Rothos, 2007 .

Dmitry E. Pelinovsky, Vassilios M. Rothos, D. Pelinovsky, 2005 .

T. Bountis, V. Rothos, I. Mylonas, 2023, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.

E. Doktorov, V. Rothos, Evgeny V. Doktorov, 2003 .

Vassilios M. Rothos, Alexander Pankov, A. Pankov, 2008, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

A. Champneys, T. Melvin, V. Rothos, 2009 .