A. A. Colomeischi


V. Ornaghi, S. Elliott, C. Cefai, 2022, Frontiers in Psychology.

A. Agliati, Hongwei Hu, C. Panter-Brick, 2020, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

A. A. Colomeischi, 2021, Trends and Prospects of the Education System and Educators’ Professional Training Development.

A. A. Colomeischi, 2019, Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in Central and Eastern Europe.

A. A. Colomeischi, P. Rusu, 2020, Frontiers in Psychology.

Tudor Colomeischi, A. A. Colomeischi, 2023, Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala.