B. Modell


D. Skuse, A. Yardumian, J. Porter, 1995, Archives of disease in childhood.

M. Petrou, P. Reddy, B. Modell, 1995, European journal of haematology.

B. Modell, V. Berdoukas, B. Modell, 1984 .

S. Ratip, B. Modell, 1996, Seminars in hematology.

R. Peto, D. Weatherall, D. Flynn, 1982, British medical journal.

B. Modell, 1977, Archives of disease in childhood.

J. Clegg, D. Weatherall, B. Alter, 1978, British medical journal.

J. Karnon, A. Ades, J. Brown, 1999, Clinical and laboratory haematology.

L. Brent, L. S. Rayfield, B. Modell, 1982, Transplantation proceedings.

M. Petrou, D. Maxwell, J. Hooker, 1988, British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.

B. Modell, B. MODELLt, 1977, Archives of disease in childhood.