Philipp Diebold


Darja Smite, Philipp Diebold, D. M. Fernández, 2015, SOEN.

Vahid Garousi, Michael Felderer, Kitija Trektere, 2018, Software Engineering.

Philipp Diebold, M. Neumann, Thorben Kuchel, 2022, 2212.07218.

Dietmar Pfahl, Marco Kuhrmann, Steffen Küpper, 2019, J. Softw. Evol. Process..

Philipp Diebold, Sven Theobald, Anna Schmitt, 2019, XP Workshops.

Thomas Kuhn, Philipp Diebold, Thorsten Weyer, 2016, Advanced Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems.

Philipp Diebold, Torsten Bandyszak, André Heuer, 2014, Software Engineering.

Philipp Diebold, Daniel Méndez Fernández, Antonio Vetro, 2015, 2015 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM).

Philipp Diebold, Sven Theobald, Johannes Wahl, 2018, ICSSP.

Philipp Diebold, Marc Dahlem, Marc Dahlem, 2014, EASE '14.

Davide Taibi, Maria Ilaria Lunesu, Philipp Diebold, 2017, EASE.

Philipp Diebold, Thomas Zehler, Philipp Diebold, 2015, ICSSP.

Stefan Wagner, Philipp Diebold, Jan-Peter Ostberg, 2015, XP.

Vahid Garousi, Michael Felderer, Kitija Trektere, 2017, ICSSP.

Philipp Diebold, Sven Theobald, Philipp Diebold, 2018, XP.

Davide Taibi, Philipp Diebold, Laurent Dieudonné, 2014, 2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.

Philipp Diebold, Thomas Zehler, Philipp Diebold, 2016 .

Vahid Garousi, Michael Felderer, Kitija Trektere, 2019, IEEE Software.

Philipp Diebold, Simon André Scherr, Simon Andre Scherr, 2016, 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP).

Norbert Seyff, Philipp Diebold, Anne Hess, 2017, 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW).

Paolo Tell, Marco Kuhrmann, Jürgen Münch, 2016, 2016 IEEE 11th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE).

Marco Kuhrmann, Jürgen Münch, Philipp Diebold, 2015, PROFES.

Wolfgang Böhm, Philipp Diebold, Daniel Méndez Fernández, 2015, 2015 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM).

Philipp Diebold, Antonio Vetro, Philipp Diebold, 2014, ESEM '14.

Eva-Maria Schön, Philipp Diebold, M. Neumann, 2023, SAC.

Michael Felderer, Marco Kuhrmann, Jürgen Münch, 2016, PROFES.

Philipp Diebold, Matthias Galster, Samuil Angelov, 2016, PROFES.