VO Thi LE Hang


N. Dung, VO Thi LE Hang, 2018, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society.

N. Dung, VO Thi LE Hang, 2015, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications.

N. Van Dung, VO Thi LE Hang, Nguyen Van Dung, 2016, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications.

N. Van Dung, VO Thi LE Hang, 2018, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications.

Nguyen Van Dung, N. Dung, Vo Thi Le Hang, 2018 .

N. Van Dung, VO Thi LE Hang, 2016, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas.

N. Dung, VO Thi LE Hang, 2018, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.

N. Dung, VO Thi LE Hang, 2015, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics.