J. Ohlén


I. Bergh, E. Jakobsson, F. Gaston‐Johansson, 2006, Journal of palliative medicine.

I. Bergbom, H. Haljamäe, J. Ohlén, 2007, Journal of advanced nursing.

S. Nilsson, Margareta Brännström, E. Hessman, 2019, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

H. Schwenk, J. Ohlén, H. H. Völker, 1977, European journal of clinical investigation.

K. Segesten, J. Ohlén, Joakim Öhlén, 1998, Journal of advanced nursing.

J. Ohlen, H. Pause, J. Richter, 1971, European journal of clinical investigation.

Filipa Ventura, Ingalill Koinberg, F. Ventura, 2013, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

K. Ahlberg, J. Ohlén, A. Holm, 2005, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

G. Nordström, L. Berg, J. Ohlén, 2014, Nurse education in practice.

I. Bergbom, J. Ohlén, I. Frid, 2000, Journal of advanced nursing.

C. Berg, K. Segesten, B. Ternestedt, 2007, Journal of clinical nursing.

I. Fridh, R. Sawatzky, E. Jakobsson Ung, 2014, Research in nursing & health.

E. Kenne Sarenmalm, F. Gaston‐Johansson, J. Ohlén, 2007, Journal of pain and symptom management.

M. Drescher, J. Ohlén, H. Selmair, 1982, Fortschritte der Medizin.

C. Furåker, I. Bergh, E. Jakobsson, 2011, Nurse education today.

A. Odén, E. Kenne Sarenmalm, J. Ohlen, 2009, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

J. Bottorff, Alison S A Brazier, L. Balneaves, 2006, Social science & medicine.

A. Odén, I. Bergh, E. Jakobsson, 2007, Health policy.

U. Lehtinen, K. Asplund, J. Ohlén, 2005, Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals.

M. Drescher, J. Ohlén, H. Ley, 1980, Fortschritte der Medizin.

L. Hydén, F. Friberg, J. Ohlén, 2008, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

K. Segesten, J. Ohlen, J. Ohlén, 1994, Scandinavian journal of caring sciences.

L. Hydén, F. Friberg, J. Ohlén, 2008, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

F. Ventura, I. Koinberg, J. Ohlén, 2013, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.