Paul Arsenovic


Christopher A. Lemmon, G. Gundersen, D. Conway, 2016, Biophysical journal.

S. Sealfon, W. Janssen, J. González-Maeso, 2020, Science Signaling.

D. Conway, Daniel E Conway, Carl R Mayer, 2019, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering.

V. Maruthamuthu, Sandeep P. Dumbali, D. Conway, 2018, Biophysical journal.

D. Conway, Paul Arsenovic, 2018, Methods in molecular biology.

Milos Manic, Howard J. Carey, Paul Arsenovic, 2016, 2016 9th International Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI).

D. Conway, Kranthidhar Bathula, Paul Arsenovic, 2017, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.